What is Facial AcuZone Reflexology
What is Facial AcuZone Reflexology
FAZR is a newer form of reflexology. It is a combination of Chinese Acupressure Points, Indian Marma Points, Muscular Massage and Lymphatic Drainage all focused in the head and neck area. It primarily benefits the organs closest to the areas being worked (ex. Eyes, ears, sinuses, brain, etc) but also affects the acupressure meridians in the head and neck. Thus stimulating the acupressure points will benefit the organs along the meridian.
Other benefits includ​e: stimulating circulation which will increase oxygen to the skin tissues, increased lymphatic flow will help boost the immune system and ease muscle tension, due to improved circulation the provision of nutrients to muscles and tissues of the head and brain is improved, nerve endings are stimulated and stress is reduced, working the head helps calm the mind and improve the tone of facial muscles and skin, headache relief, reduced eye strain, reduced sinus congestion, facial and neck pain relief, TMJ pain relief, reduction in anxiety, and increased energy.
Facial AcuZone Reflexology Session
Your subsequent sessions will begin with a review of your health history and a full 40 minute Facial AcuZone Reflexology treatment.
Invest​ment - $50.0​0 + HST
Invest​ment - $50.0​0 + HST
"I suffered a severe concussion/whiplash a few years ago. I was looking for another treatment modality. I have found that FAZR helps with my headaches and muscle tension. Jen is a professional and compassionate practitioner who really cares about her clients. "